Piano Quintet
Composed by
Jiri Gemrot
by PRAŽÁK QUARTET on March 3, 2003
Performances: Germany, Austria (Bregenz), Czech Rep. (Prague) (Apollon Qt. and Daniel Wiesner).
Published: Vydavatelstvi Ceskeho rozhlasu (Publishinghouse of Czech Radio).
The composer writes: I am most pleased to have produced another World Premiere for a North American audience, adding Tucson to a list that also includes Chicago and Toronto.
The work is in two movements. The first is in a sonata form and the second is what I consider a “combination,” of a slower movement with scherzo. The form of the work has its roots in neoclassicism, with a clear harmony and melody, but the piece itself extends beyond the style. My desire is that the work create a musical bridge between the classics and modern pieces.
Sponsored by: members of the Czech community of Tucson, Jean-Paul Bierny and Chris Tanz, Fred Chaffee, and Diana Chaffee