Hub New Music
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
7:30 p.m.
Leo Rich Theater
Julius Eastman
Joy Boy
James Díaz
Lines of acid dreams (2022)
Dai Wei
How the Stars Vanish... (2021)
Angélica Negrón
Pedazos intermitentes de un lugar ya fragmentado (Intermittent Fragments of a Fractured Place) for Flute, Clarinet in B-flat, Violin, Cello, and Fixed Electronics
Michael Ippolito
Capriccio (2019)
I. Lonely Journey
II. Pénombres du Soir (Evening Twilight)
III. Bacchanale-Phantasmagoria
The world premiere of Angélica Negrón’s Pedazos intermitentes de un lugar ya fragmentado is sponsored by Boyer Rickel.