Ticket FAQs
In-person concerts
Purchase tickets online or by phone at any time, or at the box office inside the Leo Rich Theater one hour prior to a concert. Please Note: Leo Rich Theater has enhanced venue environmental, health and safety protocols to include the type of bag guests are allowed to bring into these facilities. Clear Bags no larger than 14″ x 16″ or a clutch no larger than 8″ x 5″.
Streaming concerts
Your in-person concert ticket includes access to the livestream (and on demand). Access livestream access directly from the concert page at the time of the in-person concert.
When will I get my tickets?
When you purchase a season or series subscription at the season start, we will mail you the full season’s paper tickets prior to the first concert. For individual concert tickets, your tickets will be held at will-call at the Leo Rich Theater box office and available beginning one hour before the concert. For livestream access, no ticket is required. Your email will be recognized, and access made available on the website. If you have any trouble accessing, please contact us.
Refunds and cancellations
Tickets are non-refundable except where we are forced to cancel or reschedule a concert in which case you may receive a full refund, apply a credit to a future concert, or receive a receipt for a tax-deductible donation in the amount of the ticket(s).
Unused tickets and non-attendance
Individual concert tickets purchased as part of a series subscription that you are unable to use may be “released,” returned as a donation to AFCM, but must be released at three (3) days before the concert date. Please call or email us and we will provide you with a tax-deductible donation receipt. Unfortunately no refund will be made if you decide you are uncomfortable attending due to public health reasons because you are entitled to watch the concert livestream at home.
Seat choice
To request specific seats, please call or email. If no request is made, we assign the best seats available at the time of purchase. If, at the start of the concert, there remain open seats in the hall, you are welcome to move to them.
Price and discounts
Single tickets for adults are $45 for concerts at Leo Rich. Single tickets for students are $12. Summertime concerts include food and drink following the concert. Discounts are available for season and series subscription packages. Please see the Tickets page.
Privacy Policy
AFCM does not share or sell your personal information. Our website may collect various information to improve the operation of the site and you consent to this by using the site. The payments technology for ticket purchase is provided by Stripe who uses best-in-class security tools and practices to maintain a high level of security. For more information on how they keep your information secure, please visit stripe.com.
If you have questions, please call or email us.